Monday, July 15, 2013

It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Later

Is that from a movie? It is. I looked it up right after I titled this post. And I'm leaving it.

I'm never good at concluding these things. I'll do it later. Like when I actually conclude my time in Thailand. This Friday. Thailand Time. The last few days didn't mean anything (I didn't mean that) since I'm too lazy to upload pictures or tell any stories. So until I get un-lazy:

Teaser. Sweaty teaser. In Ayutthaya.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Things I don't have photos of:

-The baby duckling dying in my hands because of its handicapped neck.
-The 5 chickens that were drained of their blood then dipped in boiling water and plucked of their feathers.
-The self-sufficient girls farming plants, raising animals, cooking animals, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, going to school, and  running this institution because their families in the hilltribes can't keep them.

What I do have pictures of:

The nun who looks after the girls at this place.
(whatever the place is)

The other nun who looks after the girls at this place.
(whatever the place is)

The chickens we stole eggs from.

And then completely unrelated to this all-girls farm/boarding school where we stayed last night:

-In somewhat reverse chronological order over the course of a week or so.

Wat Tilok Aram in Phayao

The  ride to Wat Tilok Aram

Uncle on the  ride to Wat Tilok Aram

Soymilk. Yay. Awesome. Hooray. Fun.

Oh no. Reminders of what I'll be crying over 
when I return to the States.

And then ridiculous instructions to open.

This Lady loading 5 kilos of pineapples in the truck

Soup in a coconut.

Green dessert.

Onward to Burma! 
(Except my American Passport doesn't allow me)

The Northern Most of Thailand needs an arch, of course.

This image labeled itself.

A Thai finial with the patch of land on the left being Burma,
the patch of land on the right being Laos. 
It all looks the same, really.

The Golden Triangle: yay for opium.

Plate in the foreground: mushrooms.
The plate in the background: fried tiny fish.
You just eat the whole damn thing, head, and eyes, and all.

Fish cakes.


Original Redbull

Rice fields



Jack Fruit


Hill dogs

Hill dog

Rice farm baby.

Children's camp-dinner

Children's camp-beverage

Children's camp-dinner

A loom

A waterfall

More views.

A temple

Grapes and family

Pickin' grapes.

I want to adopt the child on the left.

Riding elephants

Riding elephants



Hill children

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Don't feel like Bloggin'. Not Like I'm Letting Anyone Down.

I will say that we went from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, and the bugs here are RUTHLESS. They probably never met a Ruth in their lives if you asked them. I wore sneakers (?) tennis shoes (?) close-toed athletic shoes (?)—I don't know the correct term, but some bug crawled into my shoe and bit me through my socks. Twice. I mean REALLY? And I don't even wanna talk about my left thigh, but inner upper thigh and outer upper thigh. Yes, I've been wearing shorts, but not shorts THAT short! I might need to bug spray like I spray tan. Never. So just give up on the bug spray cause the bugs will find OTHER PLACES. Bytheway, I've done A LOT of things since arriving in Chiang Mai, and eating bugs was just one of those things.

Grasshoppers or something. Ate it.

Bamboo worms. Ate it.

Sorry. Couldn't do these.
I mean the bitches had eyes.



Silk worms. Ate it.

Crickets or something. Ate it.

ขอขอบคุณคุณ ←kthanksbahye.