Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Insight because outsight is not a word.

The driving here is obviously crazy, but there is some logic to it. If you have ever wondered what happens if just a whole bunch of cars went at a red light and if the cars who have the right of way at the green light stop, then Thailand is your answer. It's like the drivers here make up their own stoplights everywhere. Say a car is trying to turn right—they will sneaky sneak into the road until finally everyone stops and that car can finally go. I have observed that everyone drives however they want to. Motorcycles stop for nothing, but nobody goes super fast so everyone is aware and when these stoplights are made up in the middle of the road, they will stop with no road rage or grudges, and motorcycles will always go around and into anything they want. This is just the way of the road and everyone seems peaceful about it.

My collarbone has been killing me so it was a miracle that my uncle and I happened to get massages while auntie was in an appointment. Take that, America. You deprived me of my Thai massage while I was there so I spent my life savings (only half true) to go to Thailand and get one. It basically goes like this, "Does it hurt when I push on this part of your body? OK, APPLY BODY WEIGHT x 10542578254 TO IT," and then a minute afterwards it FEELS SO GOOD. It's kinda weird that they just go wherever with you when they do it. You're fully clothed, but they be pushin' on that pubic bone and all up in your arm pits. Good thing I groomed—in more places than one. I'll leave it at that, except that I have been able to recognize a few more Thai characters in all the signs and words around: ก and ด which, by the way, the Thai alphabet is very peculiar. 

The English alphabet's letter are a collection of symbols that have certain phonetics and rules about them, but that's all that they mean. They are a pile of tools in a toolbox that you gather into compositions that have definition  and meaning. The characters in the Thai alphabet already have a definition on their own. ก means chicken, and  means child, but as a component in a Thai word, it changes its meaning completely. I'll leave it at that.

Pictures later, ขอขอบคุณคุณ ←kthanksbahye.

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